"The African Aphrodisiac Adventure"
A GH Parody - - Spring 1996

Chapter Forty-Six

NOTE TO READERS: As the storyline progresses, chatters are still coming forth, anxious to do their part to assist the people whom they admire, to work with their favorites, and to have a little fun. Today's guest star is Sara, from Sterling, Va.

"She has not come to your aid," Faison tells Ryan who sits, somewhat sullenly. "Perhaps I need to get her attention in a more clever manner." He lifts a scalpel, and closely examines the blade.

Ryan blanches, his mind writhing at the thought of his body being dismembered. "Uh, you don't want to do that." He manages, trying to sound very shrinkish, like his brother. "I'm aichurphobic."

Faison, not wishing to appear less than well educated, pauses, "So?"

"So," Ryan continues, "you shouldn't do that. It would demonstrate a lack of sensitivity on your part."

"As if I care."

"I'm also algophobic, hematophobic, odynophobic, tomophobic, tomophobic, thanatophobic, as well as stygiophobic." Sensing that he's captured his captor's attention span, Ryan continues, dragging out all the terms he could think of. "Indeed. The last thing you want to do is to send Lucy my body parts. She's also hematophobic."

Faison, wishing that he'd packed an English dictionary, stands back. "Is that supposed to impress me??"

"It should," Ryan tells him, with a superior smirk calculated to cause the diabolical Dane to entertain second and even third thoughts. "The choice is yours."

Faison, backing down for a while, nods. "Very well. I can wait. It's not like you're going anywhere." Hmmmmmmm

"Listen, Sara," Lois tells the newest addition of her rapidly growing retinue of assistants. "I'm really glad that you're here. I realize that most people in my business don't have backup singers doing double duty as all around aides, but you're talented, and there's nothing like being willing to work to guarantee you a job."

The brownhaired, brown eyed young woman flashes a smile, and says, "Lois, working with you and Eddie Maine, that is your husband, Ned Ashton, is a dream come true for me. I'm getting to work in different areas of the industry so I'll know it inside out."

"That's what I'm counting on," Lois tells her. "The more you know, the more valuable you'll be to me."

Sara, an enthusiastic chatter, is excited at the opportunity to grow, to learn, and to contribute something to L&B Records. "Don't worry," she assures Lois. "I've even got a few ideas for publicity and photo ops that I'd like to tell you about." She shows Lois a notebook, and tells her, "I've been making notes, writing down ideas that I think will make this operation run even more smoothly."

Lois smiles, delighted that someone would care so much about her job. "That's what I love to hear," she tells Sara. "Lady, stick with me, and you'll go places!!" Hmmmmmm

Kat, meanwhile, has undertaken the move of the soon to be corpse of Damian Smith, to Lucy's apartment. Moving dead weight is no easy task, she's discovered, but using the time honored technique of a laundry hamper, she's managed. Disguised as a maid, Kat has managed to gain entry, and has, without the slightest bit of remorse, deposited Damian into Lucy's bed.

"And now," she tells him, taking from the bathroom a water glass almost guaranteed to have Lucy's fingerprints on it, she pours in the poison. "Ah, yes. Not too much, we don't want this to look like overkill. Just enough to do the job. Now, open wide, darling. That's a good boy. Drink up the nice poison."

Kat watches as Damian swallows automatically, and then, assured that the deed is completed, she kisses his forehead. "Sorry, darling, but you are, as they say, de trop." With that, she carefully removes all evidence from the apartment and without a backward glance, departs. Damian, sinks slowly down into the darkness. Hmmmmmmmm

Stay tuned!!! Will Ryan's verbal agility keep him intact for a little longer?? Will Faison find a dictionary?? Will Sara rise to the top of the recording industry with her extensive knowledge?? Will Damian die?? Will Kat get away with murder?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm